Many things in our world are out of our control, but one thing you can control is your home environment. There are many simple changes you can make to instill some much needed peace into your living space. In order to create a peaceful environment in the home, make sure everything you see, smell, hear, and touch gives you a calm feeling inside.
It can be stressful and overwhelming to see all your knick-knacks and papers sprawled across your desk or table. Make it a habit to declutter and organize each room at least once a week to keep a zen-like state of mind.
Another way to increase the peace in your home is making sure it smells wonderful. Candles and air fresheners work well, but if you want to give your home a truly soothing scent, consider an essential oil diffuser. There is a huge variety of essential oils, but hints of lemon, peppermint, or sandalwood can really help introduce a sense of calm in your home.
On to the ears! To add soothing sounds into your home atmosphere, find a good speaker system to play smooth jazz or natural sounds as you work or relax at home. Or, if you prefer silence, consider soundproofing a room to cancel out outside noise.
Finally, consider adding a plush blanket to your couch or bed to settle down with in the evenings or add a soft rug to hug your toes as you walk around!